Sunday 8 September 2013

bloomer steampunk is a winner

Yesterday I was able to go to the ASG 'industry day' thanks to the kindness of one of the other members, who's blog is Petite and Sewing. There was trackwork on the line to Wollongong, and I could never ever have sat on a railbus - physically incapable until my knee improves.

In the morning, there were a couple of  program parts by people, a couple of textile and other medium artists, and a woman who'd written a how to draft bodices (24 I think) from a basic shell that fits.  And in the arvo the parade with some of the stashbusting entrants.  There were some fabulous entries, and I was approx 60 metres short of standing a chance to win.

The winner had made 90-something metres and only 15cm ie 6" more yardage than the 2nd place winner.

I got to give a few words explaining steampunk, and spruik costuming & the ACG. yayyy.

To my huge suprise I won the judges choice of 'most unusual' for my bloomer steampunk :D  I got to pick from a table with some books and fabric - 1 from each.   This was my choice - I nearly said no to more fabric.  If I can't think of something good to use this as, I'll give it away. it's 2.5m of 150cm wide.  I also picked the DVD instead of the books. It covers stuff I already know but will be interesting to see and to loan to newer costumers.

If I've got this right, the stashbusting comp was started when a local member died suddenly early this year, and to quote the presenter "she won" ie who dies with the most fabric wins.  So I'm not sure if these came from her stash - they've been selling it off for some time.  It was originally a local group comp but became a statewide one.

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