Friday 21 February 2014

babystepping back to daily sewing

It's not a lot, but I overlocked the hem on my 2-year-old UFO skirt. It's my MAFAM January item, and I want to wear it to work. Thanks to working out what was wrong with the silly overlocker it was easy to do.

Tonight I'd like to insert the zip and cut out/interface the waistband, so that tomorrow I can take it to the Australian Sewing Guild group for finishing. I'll also take my purple skirt that's cut out, and the sandy taupe linen/rayon to cut out a 3rd new skirt.

These are all achievable if I don't talk more than I sew. or I may take my UFO regency dress to work out what construction stage I'm up to.

A sneak peek at the next stash fbaric I'm cutting out, a 2 piece morning dress for JAFA.


  1. JAFA sewing for the win! I start with a new white dress this weekend. In between Pop Culture and every day sewing.. :)

    1. Nice! I need to start on my 2piece morning dress. If it's cut out it won't take long.
