Sunday, 12 May 2019

Folding fabric, seemingly forever.

Started the tedious but satisfying chore of folding fabric to fit in the shelves.  Once it's done I'll be able to find a piece I know is in there.  Also hopefully it will all fit in the cupboards.

I'm sorting them into categories as I go,  and making a discard/giveaway pile.  Some of them may be used for mock ups or underpinnings for steampunk etc


  1. Haha. I too am folding at the moment. I bought a new (to me) fabric storage cupboard and have to refold it all to fit. Upside is that I am sorting and downsizing as I go too.

    1. I'm definitely sorting as I go, and some culling too. If it doesn't all fit, then more culling. Though the idea of culling tediously folded stash makes me whimper.
